Profesionistii in montajul de pardoseli de calitate

Transformați viziunea în realitate

Covor PVC, pentru un rezultat durabil
Mocheta , o pardoseala ce aduce stil si eleganta
Parchet laminat pentru un aspect modern
a row of chairs sitting on top of a carpeted floor
a row of chairs sitting on top of a carpeted floor
brown wooden floor and black metal doors
brown wooden floor and black metal doors
Despre noi
La Perspective Design suntem o echipă de profesioniști cu experiență în domeniul montajului de pardoseli, oferind servicii de calitate superioară la prețuri competitive. Avem o vastă experiență în instalarea de covor pvc, linoleum, mochetă și parchet laminat, indiferent de dimensiunea și complexitatea proiectului
a woman standing in a hallway between two walls
a woman standing in a hallway between two walls
A beautifully arranged geometric wooden floor design featuring intricate patterns leading to a central octagonal shape. The wood has a light brown finish with visible grain, and the floor is supported by decorative columns with colorful accents. In the background, there are metal railings with detailed patterns, and a few trees and greenery are visible.
A beautifully arranged geometric wooden floor design featuring intricate patterns leading to a central octagonal shape. The wood has a light brown finish with visible grain, and the floor is supported by decorative columns with colorful accents. In the background, there are metal railings with detailed patterns, and a few trees and greenery are visible.
A textured wooden floor with rectangular planks arranged in a staggered pattern. The surface features natural wood grain and shading, creating a sense of depth and dimension.
A textured wooden floor with rectangular planks arranged in a staggered pattern. The surface features natural wood grain and shading, creating a sense of depth and dimension.

Povestea noastra

Înființată în 2020 la Galați, echipa noastră de specialiști și-a construit o reputație solidă in furnizarea serviciilor excepționale de instalare a pardoselilor pentru clienți noștri .